Tiny Tot Time
Call now for more info: 916-471-9342
Email: tinytotslp@gmail.com
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                                               Tiny Tot Time Land Park
                                           Rachael Hinrichsen, Director
                        Jessica Jiminez, Teacher  and Dee Lo, Teacher

The main focus of the program at Tiny Tot Time is to foster social-emotional development of our students. We strive to prepare children tor the next step in their education in a safe, nurturing, positive environment. Our curriculum includes math, science, health, creative arts, social studies, physical movement, early literacy, and social-emotional development within the context of a multi-cultural classroom. Students are introduced to a wide variety of celebrations, food, music, language and dramatic play; all of which reinforce acceptance of others. The classroom is organized as an environment for investigation, learning and development of social skills.

Key curriculum highlights include:
Social-Emotional Development — Encourage students to develop aspects of self awareness, self regulation, responsible decision making skills and relationship skills through play and activities.
Phonological Awareness — Introduction of phonics using short fun activities.
Phonics — The introduction of letter-sound relationships in fun and creative ways.
Vocabulary — Exploration of vocabulary through daily reading during instruction and communication.
Science — Exploring the magic of the natural world with simple scientific experiments and observation.
Math — Building foundational skills for mathematical thinking through activities, games and using aspects of math children encounter on a daily basis.
Physical Development of fine and motor skills, coordination, strength, stability and endurance.
Visual/Performing Arts and Music Students will experience a wide variety of art in various forms.

Daily Routine: Each day begins with 15 minutes of free play. Parents should exit the classroom by the conclusion of free play. Our first group activity is story time. Stories and informational material read will introduce a topic for the day. Activities will throughout the day will be based upon these topics. The children will then work on projects in small groups that touch on the curriculum highlights outlined above When not working with the teachers, students will participate choice play which includes, but is not limited to, building with blocks, dramatic play, and puzzles and play dough. When the projects are completed, students will assist in cleaning the classroom after which we will have circle time. Next, the student will enjoy centering activities such as yoga, breathing exercises and meditation. Circle time introduces the daily calendar, a discussion of the day’s topics and any social issues the students are experiencing. 

Outside play: Children will play outside within the gated area during school hours. This may occur anytime during class time. Areas used are the sand box, small and large play structure and swings.

Backpack: Please send students with change of clothes and comfort item (a family photo is nice as well).  A small stuffed animal security item is acceptable. Do not send toys, they will become lost and cause great distress. 

Attendance: A sign in/out sheet is located outside the classroom. An authorized adult must sign the student in and out every day. Students may not sign for themselves. Students will have an opportunity to sign themselves in in the classroom.

White Board: Please check the white board (near the sign in/out sheet) outside the classroom each day. Reminders of upcoming events, holidays and classroom news will be provided daily.

Snack: All student will bring their own snack and water each day.  Containers should be clearly marked on top with the student's name.  Please send healthy, whole foods for snack and avoid excessive sugar.  It's also fun to include your child in snack preparation. Please DO NOT SEND:  mini-carrots, whole nuts, whole grapes, popcorn, or hot dogs as all pose choking hazards.  Lastly, please make sure to feed your child before school. 

Expectations: Please do your best to get your student to school on time. The first fifteen minutes of class allows time for children to free play (arriving during this period is fine) without disruptions that interfere with the lessons afterward. Make sure your student has something to eat and drink before school and has used the toilet. Students are encouraged to dress themselves for school. However, please make sure they are able to use the bathroom on their own. Discourage belts, pants with buttons, overalls and other difficult clothing. Children should wear shorts or leggings under dresses or skirts. It is our goal to make your child proud of their abilities and accomplishments. Teachers will provide assistance with the toilet, but we are working toward total independence. Shoes designed for athletic activity are encouraged. We will practice running, jumping, skipping, etc.

Sick Days: Parents will be required to notify teachers if students have had a fever in the last 48 hours. If your student is sick please do not send him/her to school. Students with cough, fever, green mucus, rashes, vomiting, and diarrhea must stay home. Please call the school and notify us when your child is sick, and of their symptoms.

Behavior and Discipline: Inappropriate behavior is one that causes physical or emotional harm to others. Hitting pushing, kicking, biting, name calling, or making other children objects of ridicule, are unacceptable and will be dealt with immediately. If your child displays this behavior and is resistant to positive reinforcement they may be dismissed from the program.

Classroom Rules
Never leave the classroom without an instructor.
Respect others and their property.
Listen to and follow direction of teachers and assistants. 
Speak respectfully to others.
Use supplies and equipment properly.

Unacceptable behavior includes but is not limited to:
Physical abuse of instructors and students.
Verbal abuse of instructors and students.
Lack of respect towards others.
Misuse of equipment, supplies or facility.

Depending upon the severity the behavior, students may be given an opportunity to discuss actions with teachers and review the inappropriate behavior. Children will first be redirected, and if the behavior continues, then given a time-out. The program is designed to promote self-discipline. If the student continues to act inappropriately consequences will be initiated as follows:
Parents will be informed of the problem.
Parent will receive a note or phone call warning that continuing problems will result in an early dismissal and or suspension from class for one day.
The child will be suspended for one day.
Students may be dismissed from the program at any time at the discretion of the program supervisor with no refund.

Please note, parents and caregivers must obey the rules of park. Failure to do so will result in expulsion.

First Aid: Scrapes, bumps and bruises are common occurrences for active children. Our program works to minimize these incidents by creating a safe, supervised area. However, these accidents do happen. You will be informed of any accident that does occur while attending the program. In case of a serious accident or injury the following procedure will be implemented.
Assess the nature of the injury.
Perform necessary first aid.
Call 911 if required.
Call emergency contact, beginning with parent. 

Separation: It is often difficult for both parent and child to get through the first few day of school. It is a big step. If you anticipate tears or other expressions of anxiety, please take these recommendations to heart.
Make sure your child knows when school is over and who will pick him/her up.
Express your own enthusiasm about school.
Don’t linger…a quick departure makes the process easier. If your child continues to cry you will be called.
It is important that your child is picked up promptly after class concludes. The classroom must be cleaned between each class.

Class Outline